My piece of the internet

author Skeeter
updated 15-SEP-24
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I continued CS50p, but I only did one lecture today, my head hurts and I want to sleep. I'm still not as healthy as I would like to be.

While I have not done much today, I still showed up. Right now it is mostly about building the habit of studying almost every day.


I started the OSSU Computer science course. I initially wanted to skip the CS50P bit, but I skimmed through the materials and decided I should just burn through it. I'm still fighting covid so today I just finished the first video and the problem set.
Truth be told, the siley faces problem took me embarrassingly long time to complete. I'm rusty.

It kinda sucks being at the start again. I've done similar tutorials countless times. I never sticked through to the end. Hopefully this time is gonna be different.


Still recovering from covid. Building up this website is the best I can do at the moment.
I also spent some time toying with linux. Absolutely messed up my Fedora installation, decided to move to NixOs, got too overwhelmed and came back to Fedora. At least I finally managed to get Hyprland to work.